"It's so real I want to look away... yet I can't stop looking!" …
Miroslav's very presence invites you to dare to live by embracing your fears.

Miroslav's very presence invites you to live by braving genuine connection. Speaking in an enlivening way he fuses mindfulness with an engaging stage presence to create immersive experiences that connect and inspire.

He delivers professional keynote presentations and regularly speaks at events/conferences on topics including: Enlivened Speaking & Presenting, Workplace Culture, Human Connection and Embodied Leadership.

Miroslav also teaches skills including communications, public speaking, leadership, integral sales, and workplace culture.

He is also available for interviews, podcasts, talk-shows or conferences. For more information on Miroslav visit the BIO PAGE HERE.


Keynote talks


How to utilise presence and communication to create inspiring workplace culture.

Great results come from great work relationships, and for a long time work place cultures have been built on results and performance creating isolation and competition amidst organisations. In the 21st century companies are discovering that what employees value most highly is to feel a sense of belonging, purpose and the possibility to grow beyond their immediate roles. This talk will bring the team/organisation together under a shared banner of what it means to work together and utilise the mind, body and soul in the workplace.

  1. Discover the 3 foundations for a thriving workplace culture.

  2. Create effortless connection amongst team members.

  3. Uplift productivity and workplace satisfaction amongst staff.

We can feel see and identify presence when someone speaks, but what makes presence?

The future of organisations is human connection and the days are over when we check our humanness at the doors of a corporation. In order for leaders to be sustainable in today's moving and shifting times, the companies of tomorrow must embrace heart based leadership to engage employees, increase profits, and look after themselves and the planet.

In this talk, you will learn how to speak and act from your heart to ensure your choices are made from the power of your wisdom as opposed to the predictability of the old ways.

  1. Discover the true power of your voice and presence.

  2. Discover the subtle degrees of emotional intelligence and inner knowing and how to listen to them.

  3. Dissolve imposter syndrome and old forms of control to inspire and lead your team in a genuine way.


How To Create Authentic Connection & Influence

Our message and intention is communicated not just through our words but the presence we bring behind the words. Our presence is what creates engagement, respect, alliance and has people want to listen to and follow us.

This talk is suitable for leaders of groups small and large, if you are responsible or speak/present/facilitate to any sized group, organisation, team or meeting etc, this talk is for you.

  1. Discover the power of authenticity and how to communicate powerfully.

  2. Present and influence in a way that leaves your audiences/staff inspired and taking action.

  3. Have people respect and notice you before you say a word.

  4. Create genuine connection and drive sales/signups etc.


Up-roaring Testimonials from event organisers

Miroslav also teaches skills including communications, public speaking, leadership, integral sales, and workplace culture.

To book Miroslav for a speaking engagement, or to have a custom talk designed for you please contact info@miroslavp.com
*Miroslav is also available for interviews, podcasts, talk-shows and conferences.